- [[do]] - [ ] start chapter outline - [ ] move to light mode by default - [ ] start working on integrating the [[flight]] branch - [ ] next step for [[shamanic agora]] - [ ] plan weekend - [ ] [[help aldhari]] - I posted some ideas in [[flancia collective]] - #push [[acetate]] - "[[artificial photosynthesis]]" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31957068 - [[idiom drottning]] - [[sofa]] ~ [[start often finish rarely]] - https://idiomdrottning.org/sofa - [[flancia meet]] - [[wiki engines]] - [[bouncepaw]] - [[lion kimbro]] - [[kartik agaram]] http://akkartik.name/about - [[sandra]] - [[alex schroeder]] - [[transjovian council]] - #push [[neil]] - [[mindset]] - [[portland]] - year abroad in [[vancouver]] - #push [[homelessness]] - [[systems thinking]] - [[david peter stroh systems thinking for social change]] - https://anagora.org/david-peter-stroh-systems-thinking-for-social-change - [[cumbria way]] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumbria_Way - [[agora]] - [[network]] - [[counter anti disintermediation]] - how to prevent [[commons enclosure]] - [[knowledge commons]]: can they be enclosed? what about just forking them? - [[email]] is decentralized but >90% of people use gmail/hotmail - [[yunohost]] works - [[wikimedia]] - [[wikipedia]] - [[chorus of voices]] vs [[removal of voice]]