- [[agora]] - [[agora pkg chapter]] - I got to 6k words just before midnight and it felt great. - I need to write a lot more, then throw away half ("edit") -- but that's fine. I'm having fun :) - I keep a terminal with `watch "wc -w agora\ pkg\ chapter.md"` open and it's great. Up to 6125 now, when I'm calling it a night. - [[push]] and [[pull]] as intents - both #push and #pull take a [[node/heterarchy]] and I just remembered that - I mean, they don't currently ([[agora server]] doesn't have code for it) but I meant to make it happen. - [[go/foo/bar]], as in [[go/move/22]], is the only use of [[heterarchies]] currently. - [[work]] - I think it'll be fun today, let's see if I'm wrong - I wasn't wrong but the fun was trickier than expected :)