- [[worked]] 2h or so, it was fine. - [x] at least two pomodoros - [[mycorrhiza]] - Maybe [[cannabis]] could be called a [[heart opener]]. - I hurt my back again and I'm on vacation so I vaped and it helped a lot, it also made me feel more empathetic. - [[2d barcodes]] - I'd love to have them in the Agora, maybe have the user choose a type and have them be overlaid everywhere to be useful when sharing screenshots - [[agora]] - [[agora plan]] - [[pkg book]] - [x] continue reading [[lowry]]'s - [x] more - [[revolution]] - nice discussion with [[maya]] - I've been reading about the [[wolfram physics]] project. - [ ] finish https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2020/04/finally-we-may-have-a-path-to-the-fundamental-theory-of-physics-and-its-beautiful/ If I die slowly, please take my body out to a beautiful forest and bury it among the [[hyphae]], in the [[mycorrhiza]].