- #push [[become]] - a [[shell script]]. - #pull [[become nostromo]] - [[ladee]] - [[the one]] - [[a p]] - #push [[1657]] - [[necessary]] - #push [[yoga]] - [[go/move/20]] - #push [[29]] - [[presentation]] #drishti - [[agora]] - [[agora bridge]] - #push [[agora bot]] - The [[Twitter Bot]] is broken as of the time of writing, Twitter is returning 429 (rate limit) for every request we send trying to read the timeline of @an_agora -- which is what we depend on to see tweets with [[wikilinks]] from users that follow the account. - Direct mentions should still work, although a bit delayed. - This is unrelated to the [[opt in writes]] work, which actually is now essentially working :) - I am doing a [[refactor]] of the bot and I'll try to move to the new [[api v2]] which might have more generous limits. - [[presentation]] I [[worked]] today. It was fine. I'm looking forward to the next two weeks.