- [[work]] - took the day off, but still did 1h of work to make sure things kept moving in the right direction. I don't regret it. - plan to do the same [[tomorrow]]. - [x] [[project update]] (this was a pomodoro around 9pm) - [[flancia]] - meditated in the morning, it helped a lot as usual :) yesterday I didn't do it and I think I probably should have. - [[agora]] - [[agora doc]] is the top priority for this weekend, but I'd also like to keep it fun by shipping some easy improvements to the Agora UX. - I'm tracking those in paper mostly at home, but the top and likely easiest is to *reintroduce* filenames in subnode headings. Since hiding them I feel the interface is less clear. The Agora is retro, so we might as well use that -- and I think keeping it obvious that each subnode is a separate file probably helps. - #push [[pomodoros]] - [x] 1 en kosmos más temprano - started [[agora chapter]] editing, focusing on resolving low hanging comments on a first pass - [x] 0 en casa a las 19 - yoga -> [[yoga with x]]! - and planning - [x] Y garbage collect, ordenar (moví muebles de lugar) - [ ] 2 [[agora doc]] - precedido de [[project update]] - [ ] 3 quizás [[equivalence class]] o un [[ux improvement]] para el Agora seguido de una pausa para comer - [ ] X cenar con Berni? - [ ] 4 [[agora doc]] - [ ] 5 [[ux improvement]] - [ ] 6 work on narrative making agora projects section cohesive - #push [[patterns]] - [[liquid democracy]] - [[federation]] - [[altruism]] - [ ] 7 close some more [[agora doc]] comments - [ ] 8 [[flancia]] - [[social.coop]] registration - [[poetics]] - [[catharsis]] - [[anagnorisis]] - went to the [[brocki]] ~ [[bröcki]], it was great - came back with a significant amount of great [[loot]], and I met interesting people - [[helveta]] foundation (sp?) - [[yoga]] - [[yoga with x]] - Please refer to https://anagora.org/yoga-with-x for more episodes! - Thank you for being here, reading this :) - [[l]] - [[ap]] - [[june]] - [[canción sin miedo]] I'd really love to get the Agora (meaning anagora.org) fast again :) When it *is* fast (like when you hit a worker with a cached graph, which currently serves within ~0.2s it feels great; when it isn't it goes definitely into the frustrating territory (~9s). But I think it'll have to wait until EOY, realistically, maybe.