- #push [[do]] - DONE pay cantonal [[taxes]] :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-27 Sun 23:06:14]--[2022-02-27 Sun 23:06:15] => 00:00:01 :END: - DONE decrease transfer limit :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-03-02 Wed 12:52:11]--[2022-03-02 Wed 12:54:12] => 00:02:01 :END: - thought about the concept of [[nation]] again - [[digital nation]] - [[elections]] - [[an open letter to an open nation]] - [[flancia as a nation without a state]] - [[hinduism]] - [[saat phere]] - [[x l]] recommended [[facts and fallacies of software engineering]] by [[robert l. glass]] - #push [[sashin]] - set up a [[twitterers]] room in [[matrix]] - #push [[tasshin]] - https://twitter.com/tasshinfogleman/status/1498205177404219394 - [[loving kindness revolution]] - [[the path of love]] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nrHi6vTRJI_MELW_gtTiEaaYwK8I82ytMIpHbmM0KNY/edit - #push [[teleoflexuous]] - is working on cool stuff - [[reading list]]