- I wonder if [[logseq]] will do the right thing and store this in [[2022-05-15.md]] instead of [[2022_05_15.md]] :) - [[real ez cheese]] created [[the one chat]] - ![image.png](../assets/image_1652569093865_0.png) - [[zero precedent]] http://zeroprecedent.com/ - next [[week]] I will have several after work meetings, looking forward :) - will talk to [[mathew lowry]] on Wednesday - it seems I will talk to [[metasj]] and [[jerry michalski]] on Wed or Thu. - will meet with a subset of [[social coop tech group]] on Friday to discuss updating the [[social coop password store]] - will talk to [[kasra]] next weekend on Saturday. - [[today]] - [[four pomodoros]] - LATER meet neighbors for coffee - LATER meet brother for lending bike/drinking [[mate]] - DONE social coop support task :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-05-15 Sun 10:25:29]--[2022-05-15 Sun 16:23:11] => 05:57:42 :END: - [[social coop tech group]] - DONE laundry :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-05-15 Sun 10:25:47]--[2022-05-15 Sun 10:58:33] => 00:32:46 :END: - [[agora]] - [[agora ext]] -> [[wikilinks everwhere]] - the [[chrome]] version works fine for me, glad about it - we still need to clear up the multiple repo situation, it would be great for someone to lead that part of the project if someone is interested - [[3 agora]] - [[africa design travel]] - [[dazinism]] - [[astadala yogamala]]