- #push [[coop cloud]] - [[abra]] CLI - [[coop cloud recipes]] - [[passwords]] - `abra app run --user root foo.bar.com app bash` then cat `/run/secrets/your_sneaky_secret` - #push [[social coop]] - [[keycloak vs authentik]] https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/ub7dvb/authentik_or_keycloak/ - the top answer makes a good case for keycloak, 3wc recommended keycloak even though they don't like their IBM link -- it seems keycloak is the reliable/stable/trusted way so I think I'll go with that - TIL [[IBM]] bought [[Redhat]] at some point - good progress but won't finish the wiki migration this weekend; next weekend seems relatively likely - [[announcements]] - [[deep space one]] https://somafm.com/player/#/now-playing/deepspaceone - [[flancia]] - [[nostromo]] - [[play bach]] - [[flancia playlist]] - listening to [[deep space one]] after a long while, I usually default to [[defcon]] - [[sila]] - [ ] advance CL incrementally - [ ] advance [[open letters]] incrementally - [ ] decide in one letter or two - [[paramita]] - [[social coop]] - [x] add keycloak to pass - [x] announce maintenance next weekend - [ ] install [[linkify2]] in stoa.anagora.org/p? https://www.npmjs.com/package/ep_linkify2 - [ ] or let go of stoa.anagora.org and run p.stoa.agor.ai / pad.agor.ai? - [[nocturnal garden]] - Found one book about [[Taixu]] and one by him (a translation with commentary, looks very interesting)