- [[work]] - then [[open letters]] :) - [[open letter to the Agora of Flancia]] - [[open letter to Elon Musk]] - https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1730691791328866382 - [[agora development]] - [ ] fix pulls - this broke with async; async is the right thing IMHO, and the fix should be within main.ts and relatively straightforward I think. - [[nts]] - liked [[sounds of the dawn - canadian new age special]] [[2023-11-04]] https://www.nts.live/shows/soundsofthedawn/episodes/soundsofthedawn-4th-november-2023 - in particular I believe [[jean-pierre labreche]] https://www.nts.live/artists/86907-jean-pierre-labreche but I need to relisten - which led me to [[Sadhana]] which is what I've been doing sometimes I guess, although I don't remember the Buddha using that name so far in the [[suttas]], need to [[cross-reference]].