- Woke up feeling a lot better! - 7h of sleep breathing acceptably make a lot of difference. - [[2023-12-05]]: I ended up feeling better after I was finally able to take a nap late in the afternoon. In the evening I did some open source coding, [[december adventure]]. Enjoyed it a lot! - [[dentist]] appointment -- I tested negative for Covid and my symptoms are almost gone so I think I'll attend (and ask if they are OK with it, like last time I was so-so). - Today back to [[work]]. I plan to work until 20, at which time I'll join... - The [[fellowship of the link]] weekly call :) - :D - [[neobooks]] - [[doing]]: - [ ] I need to fix pushing to the Agora from Hedgedoc, for some reason it broke - In [[2024]] I want to resume work on/with [[coop cloud]]. - Hmm, that could actually fit the [[december adventure]]? - [ ] I want to improve flancia.agor.ai; make it be up to date, match anagora.org. - [ ] update docker images - [[december adventure]] :) - [[poll]]: - I ran a poll whether to try to kill or heal [[Moloch]] in [[2024]] and it came out [[heal Moloch]]. - I thus plan to write an [[open letter to Moloch]] and try to reason things out, try to disentangle ourselves constructively and mutually improve on views, values and behaviours.