- Happy [[2024]] to everybody reading! - May you be happy! May you be free! May you [[thrive]]! - [[work]]: - paged at 6.30AM. - [[AG]] - [[Laundry]], as in most of the last few days due to the ongoing [[Bettwanzen]] response -- trying to enjoy every cycle, some cycles are more fruitful than others :) - [[social coop]]: - Last day oncall for the [[CWG]]. - Reviewed some progress on the discussion about [[Fedipact]] and whether we should be listed as signatories - [x] Check poll - [x] Check registrations - [x] Check moderations [[Meditate]], said [[Nostromo]]. -- I meditated. Thank you [[Taixu]] -- meaning the Buddhist Monk and also the [[shell]] script that I run in computer [[nostromo]]. I've been missing writing; I always feel like I should write more, and more often -- I feel the same for action [[read]] of course as well, as do many of us. So I decided to start writing more right here -- in my journal in the [[Agora of Flancia]]. Traditionally up to now I've been focusing my efforts more on [[noding]], in the particular meaning of exploring connectivity space; more interested in building links (between concepts, things and people) than about producing widely legible output. This under the hypothesis that the connections are important in building an [[Agora]] in particular, or at least [[bootstrapping]] it. This reminds me [[bootstrapping]] is either chapter [[0]] or [[1]] in the [[Flancia Pattern Language]]. ...anyway :) -- - [[social coop]] - Having an interesting conversation with [[3wc]] and [[ntnsndr]]. - Sent oncall handoff to [[sam]] - Oh no, I forgot the [[twg]] meeting earlier today! -- I slept. It was great. -- Today I plan to continue doing laundry and finally open and clean up one of the rooms affected by [[bed bugs]] (the lesser one, no obvious infestation). Also I plan to work on the [[Agora]]. Or should I say in the [[Agoras]]? - [[Agor.ai]]: - Nine syllables: - [[agorai]], [[agor.ai]]; - [[Agorai]]! -- - [[neobooks]]: - [[open letters]]: - [[open letter to milei]] - [[pattern languages]] - enjoying the book on the [[disciples of the buddha]] a lot - It started with [[Sariputta]] and [[Mahamogallana]] ~ [[Maha Moggallana]]. - I cleaned one of the bedrooms after [[bed bugs]] fumigation; it was a lot of work (8h straight) but I took it as exercise and enjoyed the process. - [[yoga with x]]