- [[gate gate]] - [[paragate]] - [[parasamgate]] - [[bodhi svaha]] [[bodhi satta]] - -> [[Flancia]]! - in Flancia there are many [[forks in the road]] [[forks on the road]] - [[AG]] - [[Lady Burup]] - [[Taixu]] I finished [[Taixu]], meaning the translation by [[Charles B. Jones]] and his commentary. I am thankful for it! - [[Open Letters]]: - [[Open Letter to Google]]: - for now [[corp only]] - maybe to go public with the [[occasion]] of the 20th anniversary of the [[founders letter]] - [[Open Letter to the Agora]]: - - [[Open Letter to Flancia]] - [[Open Letter to all religious]] - Trying to help [[Mohammed]]: - [[Mohammed Plan]] ~ [[Plan Mohammed]] - [[mynoise]] - [[yoga with x]]: - love [[yoga with adriene]]