- [[work]]: - [[ER-CH]] - [[Open Letter to Z]]: - Advanced communications to all [[Zooglers]] incrementally. - [[Open Letter to Zooglers]] - [[Open Letter to M]]: - [[Open Letter to Moloch]] - Tried [[silverbullet]] finally and I like it! - Running it with [[docker]] and in [[vim mode]] :D 🥰 - I noded on [[202-02-19]] without the journal/ prefix from there a bit earlier. - I need to figure out a few more things, like how to create journal nodes easily, and then it would seem like I'm set - It's looking like it could be embedded in the [[Agora of Flancia]] as default editor for [[managed gardens]]! - Posted to [[Agora channels]] about it. - Felt sick all day, including stomach pain -- is this what they call a [[stomach flu]]? :) - Felt better stomach wise around the time I finished work (from home), but developed a fever -- not terrible though, 37.2 with clear body feelings of flu - Trying to rest/play tonight. - [[@neil]] told me earlier in the week about [[pattern]] by [[gordon brander]]: https://gordonbrander.com/pattern/, looking forward to reading it. - also about the [[neil experiments]] with [[connections]]: - > I've played with them on my site here - https://commonplace.doubleloop.net/well-connected and https://commonplace.doubleloop.net/new-connections - I agree experimenting more with interesting connections is promising also in [[Agora contexts]]. - [[Ivo]] told me about [[link and think]]. - I’m trying to install [[return to monkey island]] on [[nostromo]], which is Linux (I previously played it on my Windows gaming machine). Hope it works!