- threw [[261]] - leading to [[hex/10]] = [[271]]: es todo perfecto como es. - I realized [[hex/6]] = [[97]] is prime, the last I had yet to memorize below 100. That concludes a particular interesting sequence, I guess :) - [[primes]]: - The number of primes below 100 is perhaps interesting to know: 25. So a fourth of the 100 first numbers are prime! Huh. - Knowing up to 1000 would unlock getting a statistical feel of how quickly primes 'thin out'. - Of course we can also count to 10: 4 primes below 10, so about two fifths. - I think they thin out logarithmically but I'm not sure which base, I could look it up but maybe I'll think about it :) - It would be cool if it was the natural logarithm. It's the kind of thing that could happen :) - [[bluesky]]: - now has an [[agora bot]]! - it's alpha but it works sometimes (tm) - #go at://anagora.bsky.social - is that a valid [[at protocol]] uri? I believe it sort of should be but I haven't checked :) - [[primes]]: - Here I am having counted the primes up to 1000: [[168]]. So down to 16.8% of numbers being prime. - The [[Prime number theorem]] is what I was inching towards - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime-counting_function#Table_of_%CF%80(x),_x/log(x),_and_li(x) is a [[great table]] - The ratio of primes below number n which is exactly 1/#primes_below, can be estimated by 1/(x/log(x)) - Wow, had I never heard of [[logarithmic integral function]] before? - So it turns out that li(x) estimates pi(x) better - I'm going back to [[Flancia book]], and it made me think of what I would in my best dreams try to publish during [[2025]]: - A new [[essay]]. - A [[book]] (with publish meant loosely/playfully maybe). - A [[paper]]. - [[paul bricman]]: [[straumli ai]] - is down? - [[celeste]] - is pretty great