# Meet - I built this [[agora]] in my pursuit to [[meet]] others to cooperate in concerns of [[public utility]]. - I'd love to meet you. We can agree to meet on the below linked room to discuss anything you want. - [[go]] https://socialcoop.meet.coop/fla-hbe-i9q-e3p - I am interested particularly in: [[open source]], [[open ethics]], [[agora]], [[flancia]], [[personal knowledge management]], [[distributed knowledge graphs]], [[literature]], [[art]], [[machine learning]], [[ai]], [[protopoi]]. - [[flancia]] is an [[open collective]]. - I like [[google meet]] more than [[zoom]], but I can use any system that is convenient for you. [[jitsi meet]] or [[big blue button]] make me feel proud of [[open source]]. - Feel free to book time on my calendar: [[go/flancian/calendly]] - [[doodle]] https://doodle.com/poll/tbk6222z3h7g3h27 - calendly currently defaults to [[google meet]] but we can also meet in [[go/meet]], supported by [[meet coop]]. - That's the [[go link]] . ![[Pasted image 20210507225851.png]]