# Moa - a collection of [[bridges]] and [[siphons]] - [[go]] https://moa.party - [[moa]] bridges [[twitter]] and [[mastodon]] - it will soon also bridge [[instagram]] and the [[agora]] - [[git]] https://gitlab.com/fedstoa/moa - [[bugs]] https://gitlab.com/fedstoa/moa/-/issues - Moa is developed with the vision that what really belongs to users should remain with users. Our personal and social data should always remain with us -- it is our property. - Perhaps eventually it will make it so that the particular client or [[gateway]] you use to interact with social networks ceases to matter; your social network becomes platform-agnostic in a sense. - [[pull]] [[moa party]] [[fedstoa]] https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1382050818241785856 https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1372986224495968266