# multiverse - a [[group]] - of [[universes]]. - #meta I wrote the above, using the word [[group]] in particular, and then completely forgot about it until [[2024-03-09]]. Now I believe that explains something I've had up in a whiteboard for a while :) - That is a hypothesis, of course. It seems like it has to do with [[m prime]] and [[protopoi]] - [[wp]] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse - [[hypotheses]]: - The observable universe could be consistent with the [[many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics]]. - #pull [[everett]] [[david deutsch]] [[max tegmark]] - Some version of [[dust theory]] or [[unasanu]] is correct, in that perhaps all/most/a significant fraction of all computable conscious states will [[take place]] in some way in the long added lifetime of all interesting universes, maybe after [[experience preserving morphisms]].