- #pull [[meditation technique]] [[braids]] [[randomness]] - A kind of [[mind palace]] I've been developing. - It's distributed around the [[Agora of Flancia]]; the following is an excerpt. - #push [[mind palace]] - [[Flancia mind palace]] -> [[Flancia book]] - #0 Start here: [[breath is the palace of the Buddhas]] - (Gloria a la luz de la consciencia!) - #1 Flancia: on the [[self]], the [[dualistic]] trending towards the [[non dualistic]] - #2 [[fork]] - (En Flancia hay un Ágora.) - #3 [[merge]] - a [[triangle]] - #4 [[2 2]], fork fork - #5 [[focus]], [[light]]: five pips as in the face of a [[die]] - #6 [[2 3]], - [[fork]] then [[merge]] - (Indeed as we fork we'll merge.) - [[yoga with x]], [[x with y]] - #7 [[Avalokitasvara]], the [[commons]] (with compassion) - #8 [[2 2 2]], [[the eightfold path]] - #9 [[3 3]], [[loving kindness]] - May you be happy! - #10 [[2 5]], [[right view]] - #11 [[right resolve]] - #12 [[2 3 2]], [[fork merge fork]], [[right speech]] - #13 [[right conduct]], [[simulation]] - #14 [[2 7]], two [[commons]], [[right livelihood]] - #15 [[3 5]], [[right effort]], [[merge lights]] - #16 [[2 2 2 2]], [[right mindfulness]] - #17 [[maitreya]] - ... - #31 [[las jaras]] - #32 [[fork^2]] [[fork^3]] - #33 merge our right resolves - #34 [[two maitreyas]]