# Protopoi - a [[space]]. - of possible [[protopias]]. - [[pull]] [[protopoi space]] [[protopia]]. - a [[project]]. - Started with [[lorand]] - [[open]] to all [[well meaning]] contributors. - [[playlist]] https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0jnUGaw38dj7BmJlly2NsQ?si=b88fa80a1f5c4aae - [[go]] [[playlist]] - I dream of like minded people exploring [[m prime]] within the [[agora]] and any other tools and platforms well suited for [[modelling]] [[incremental improvements]] and running projects of [[public utility]]. - #pull [[protopoi reading club]]. - a [[morphism]]? - [[pull]] [[category theory]] - it *can* be thought of as an [[operation]]. - a [[state]] and an [[algorithm]] yielding [[incremental]] [[improvement]] - a genetic process? - [[flancian]] https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1401276470438371329