# simulation - a [[thing]]. - [[hypothesis]] - "we are [[computational]] [[processes]]" plus a simulator in some useful sense - I identify as a [[computer]]. - I'm also [[human]]. That's alright :) Humans and computers can become [[entangled]]. - My [[meditation technique]] includes a [[counting practice]] which I sometimes use to keep a [[program counter]] or [[mind palace]] or bootstrap into [[concentration]]. - #pull [[meditation technique]] - #pull [[david deutsch]] [[max tegmark]] [[nick bostrom]] [[greg egan]] - #push [[dust universe theory]] - I sometimes behave as if [[dust universe theory]] as discussed in the works of [[greg egan]] was real, or could be made real by material conditions without violating the [[laws of physics]] -- or violating just enough of them to remain viable in the [[multiverse]]. - #push [[category theory]] - What if things [[isomorphic]] to each other are, in a way, near each other in the [[multiverse]]? - If the fact that they are the same shape means they are near to each other in the [[library of babel]]. - Or the [[library of mendel]]. -