- a [[person]]. - [[friend]] - #go https://tasshin.com - #podcast https://tasshin.com/podcast - [[the path of love]] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nrHi6vTRJI_MELW_gtTiEaaYwK8I82ytMIpHbmM0KNY/edit#heading=h.8svqkvnsps2o - #pull [[tasshinfogleman]] [[tasshin fogleman]] - we met on [[2022-07-11]] - [[july]] is catch up time - many calls, enjoying many - recording a [[podcast]]! - [[reach truth podcast]] - #mondegreen [[the reach through podcast]] - [[background]] - [[tasshin]] - liberal arts degree - reading lots - got interested in meditation - lived in a monastery for five years (2 then 3) - now doing independent projects, basically working on three things - spreading [love]] and [[loving kindness]] and the [[brahmaviharas]] - following [[curiosity]] - [[empowerment]] (seeing what people's gifts are and trying to help them gift those gifts to the world) - [[flancian]] - [[flancia]] - [[agora]] - [[writing]] - [[fediverse]] vs [[twitter]] - [[addictive]] but constructive, [[twitter]] like a library - [[twitter]] would be better as part of a [[commons]] - [[long term goals]] - [[future]] - [[heavenly realms]] vs [[hell realms]] - on the verge of enormous change that is hard to predict - [[path]]