- What's one [[feeling]] you can [[own]] and consistently deliver? - [[Search and Seizure]]. - Short [[videos]]: collapsed:: true - [[Contrast]]/paradox I want do X but Y is in the way - How am I going to do X? - Simple, universal to [[audience]], ideas - First word has to be a [[hook]] "Free" is good, "this" is bad - Hook has to be clear about what the conflict is and what is at the end - First frame has to be like title or thumbnail, high saturation and high contrast - [[Foreshadowing]] tells the user what gift they will get at the end - Rewatchable: Lists Easter eggs "Twists"? - Add conflict as the video goes on - [[But]],so But, [[therefore]] - South Park - Include a [[Why]] - Keep ending short but with a payoff - Incident management game collapsed:: true - Rescue -> recovery, budget drops drastically - A pilot is constantly seeking [[balance]]. collapsed:: true - "Redefine the fight" - Aviate navigate communicate - [[Links]] should be [[titles]] worth clicking on. - Let yourself be possessed by the web that has the [[problem]]. - [[Constraints]] [[shape]] multiple [[parts]] into one. - "ecology is the science of understanding consequences" - [[Plants]] for BSk shortgrass prairie. collapsed:: true - Pediomelum esculentum id:: 66a01c43-fa3a-4c3a-8ddf-21bf715090c5 Blue grama Crested wheat Western wheatgrass - Textile Onion - Winterfat - Chokecherry - Fringed sagewort Arrowleaf balsamroot Hawksbeard Sticky purple geranium Scarlet globemallow Sulfur-flower buckwheat Tumblemustard Western wallflower Western yarrow Rosa woodsii - Antelope bitterbrush Gardner saltbush Greasewood (livestock need high calcium grasses to counter) Green rabbitbrush Mountain mahogany Shadscale saltbush Shrubby cinquefoil (good for goats, bad for cattle) Silver sagebrush Wax Currant - Mountain snowberry Serviceberry - “An earthquake achieves what the [[law]] promises but does not in practice maintain,” one of the survivors wrote. “The [[equality]] of all men.” - Anytime there's a [[block]], move back and restart the [[attack]] from a stronger [[base]]. - Getting past the [[elbow]], [[handfighting]] [[unarmed]] collapsed:: true - If their arms are down, [[attack]] the head. If they're on the [[inside]], go around the [[outside]]. If their arms are up, go under for the body. If they're narrow, go for the outsides. If they're wide, go for the insides. - If they're inside legs, they can attack legs but not so much upper body. If they're outside, they can attack upper body but not so much legs. - "[[time]] given away...is time you don't [[own]]" - Show them [[chaos]], and present an alternative of [[order]]. - [[Dormancy]] lets [[seeds]] disperse through [[time]]. - [[Distance]] gives you [[time]], Angles give you a way [[out]] or to [[flank]]. - "never sit against a [[swarm]] [keep [[moving]]]" - John Allen Paulos on complex systems: "[[Uncertainty]] is the only certainty there is. And knowing how to live with insecurity is the only [[security]]." - Improve [[entertainment]] first before [[ask]]. - [[Copywriting swipefile]] - A sensory 3d map of the [[odor]]. - "it must hold the country by the [[sword]] or in [[fear]] of it" - "For if the vanquished has lately felt the sword, the victor may for a time carry an empty scabbard with impunity. But in the end, to rely on the scabbard alone brings more bloodshed than to have the sword always ready within."