#+TITLE: Friday, 12/04/2020 ** 11:43 changing mindset this week i've realized how easy and free it is to be completely independent. it takees a bit of self control, sure, and i think everyone has work to do in that department -- but thinking uncouples from home is freeing. decoupling the idea of a living space from a home, work from life and career is one necessary step towards self realization, i think. i can work independent of my expectations, of a conventional life path, of a path i /want/ to pursue (even if it's not the most rational) and i absolutely have the means to do so. i want to live in nature! limit my access to the internet! i want to learn to treasure local, small software to better approach technology in a minimal fashion. [[https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalnomad/comments/k3gx9n/has_anyone_lived_full_time_digital_nomad_and/][some advice for living digital nomad full time]] realistically, even when overpaying for airbnbs for rent month by month, finances often end up less expensive than establishing oneself in a large city. not having to keep things and enjoying the living spaces of others is a blessing, not a curse; one gets to enjoy how other people live their lives, to change their environments without defining themselves, and to learn from the choices of others -- letting external factors define their lifestyle. in a digitally connected and homogenous society, we simply don't have access to this anymore.