#+TITLE: Impact Notes on how to best spend a career making an impact. * Strategies [[https://80000hours.org/career-guide/introduction/][source]] - 80,000 hours in career - worth spending 1% of career to make the rest of the career slightly more impactful - make sure to have a real positive impact - focus on jobs that definitively put yourself in a better position - there isn't much else to it - effective altruism is their biggest solution - but this doesn't work. * Framing time https://waitbutwhy.com/2015/12/the-tail-end.html - how much do you do every year? realistically, what will you get to do in the future? - what do you have the chance to do? what's important for you to do? reflect on this and visualize it. ** Lessons - Living in the same place with the people you love matters. - Priorities are so imcredibly important. - Quality time is incredibly valuable. Value the time you spend with others and treat it as such. - Come back to write these things down!