#+TITLE: Messaging https://a9.io/glue-comic/ https://gist.github.com/MaiaVictor/350cd2e318ad884c7c491c3dad7e3b1d https://knowingless.com/2017/05/02/internet-communities-otters-vs-possums/ otters vs possums in internet communities [[file:messaging.org][Messaging]] [[https://becca.ooo/slack/][rebecca™ → Slack’s threads are terrible for accessibility]] https://tox.chat/ delta chat matrix https://signalboost.info/ messaging from grassroots organizations * TODO distributed comments comment in a different platform, link, they can be aggregated in this way comments are distributed they are no different from allowing users to delete comments * TODO accessible web menu or dictionary to help people understand definitions in a comprehensible but noninvasive way * redfin art house showcase super interesting idea; get to know someone's life based on the house they left behind the house on bluefin, or redfin, road https://getsession.org/download/ jami.net https://twitter.com/BriarApp