#+TITLE: Wayland Resources for Wayland [[file:wm.org][Window Management]]. * How to make sure an application is not XWayland Install Xeyes, one of the X11 demo apps if the eyes are moving when you mouse over the app, it's X and running on XWayland, as X is giving it access to all of your information. Otherwise, you know it's just wayland. * Resources [[https://web.archive.org/web/20200505182132/https://wayland-book.com/][Wayland book, the comprehensive guide to using Wayland]]. * Fixing screensharing on wayland [[https://www.reddit.com/r/swaywm/comments/fq1qoe/how_to_use_xdgdesktopportalwlr_to_share_the_screen/][share with wayland package]] [[https://www.reddit.com/r/swaywm/comments/ev3ty6/does_anyone_know_a_workaround_to_share_screen_in/][loopback device for screen sharing]] [[https://github.com/Smithay/smithay][smithay]]: a tool for [[file:rust.org][Rust]] wayland compositor development [[https://rmsol.de/2020/04/25/v4l2/][control video devices like a webcam]]