# Table of Contents - [https://www.reddit.com/r/German/wiki/grammar](#swwwrddtcmrgrmnwkgrmmr) - [`[2018-03-14]` History of definite article](#hstryfdfntrtcl) - [related](#rltd) [[study]] - [`[2020-06-17]` (1) Joscha Bach: Artificial Consciousness and the Nature of Reality | AI Podcast 101 with Lex Fridman - YouTube](#swwwytbcmwtchvppmszrbmjsctrfrltypdcstwthlxfrdmnytb) [[towatch]] [[german]] - [C3 talks](#ctlks) [[towatch]] [[study]] [[german]] - [`[2021-01-23]` (1) media.ccc.de - YouTube](#swwwytbcmcmdcccdvdsvwsrtpflwgrdmdcccdytb) [[towatch]] [[german]] - [zur elektrodynamic bewegter korper](#zrlktrdynmcbwgtrkrpr) [[german]] [[physics]] [[tostudy]] - [Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper](#zrlktrdynmkbwgtrkörpr) [[study]] [[physics]] [[german]] - [Invest more effort in german](#nvstmrffrtngrmn) [[german]] # # `[2018-03-14]` History of definite article Indefinite articles developed from numerals, and the definite articles developed from demonstratives. This is a very well known process called grammaticalization. # related [[study]] # `[2020-06-17]` [(1) Joscha Bach: Artificial Consciousness and the Nature of Reality | AI Podcast 101 with Lex Fridman - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-2P3MSZrBM) [[towatch]] [[german]] For everyone who understands German, there's another podcast Joscha did a while back with Frank Rieger and Fefe, two German hackers (it's not on Youtube, so if you're searching for more of Joscha's stuff on here, you wouldn't find it). I can wholeheartedly recommend it: https://alternativlos.org/42/ # C3 talks [[towatch]] [[study]] [[german]] ## `[2021-01-23]` [(1) media.ccc.de - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/mediacccde/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow=grid) [[towatch]] [[german]] # zur elektrodynamic bewegter korper [[german]] [[physics]] [[tostudy]] # Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper [[study]] [[physics]] [[german]] # Invest more effort in german [[german]]