**Ontology** is the knowledge of relations between subjects. = [[2022-03-23]] on [[https://matrix.to/#/!WhilafaLxfJNoigHCj:matrix.org/$cerybhDZpdWcsPs0OIUqkMWNbM4mYaZZQti34CoPdT8?via=matrix.org&via=t2bot.io&via=fairydust.space | matrix]] I once published a review of most common categorization systems in Russian: => https://t.me/bpblog/1227 I found 7 different types of such systems In short, translated: #tags like this, one might call them hashtags Metatags? Classic wiki categories Forward indices Hierarchy Map of content None I didn't find any more categorization systems. Everything is a mixture between the seven There's no distinction between linking to the topic and inclusion in the topic with the link+backlink combo