--- title: Contact --- ## Community Chat We use [[Matrix]] for our main Moa Party community & dev chat [#moaparty:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/!zPwMsygFdoMjtdrDfo:matrix.org). The [Moa Party Space](https://matrix.to/#/!xmHCfzrSIZsiCUlBaQ:matrix.org) lists all the chat rooms. We also run Matrix-powered [[Cactus Comments]] to enable comments on this website. Feel free to do a test post on the bottom of this page 👇 ## Social channels: * Twitter * Mastodon * Instagram ## Open Collective * Financial Support through Open Collective Read more about [[Open Collective]]. ## Code: * GitLab * GitHub (mirrored from GitLab) * Source for this website If you're technically minded, feel free to file an issue or feature request directly. Otherwise, report a problem by email, or just by leaving a comment directly on this page. Or say something nice, that's good too! P.S. Yes, there are real humans here! See the [[Maintainers]] page.