# Caliban and the witch [[Silvia Federici]]. Witch trials coincided with [[enclosure of the commons]], and the removal of women from the public sphere and the appropriation of their labour for free. A means to subjugate women who tried to assert themselves. - [As feministas devem reivindicar a imagem da bruxa? | SILVIA FEDERICI - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iO4rNi4WIIw&feature=youtu.be) ## Criticism > Tangent: There’s a shoddy (but in some academic circles popular) book called “Caliban and the Witch” about the Early Modern witch craze. The thesis of this book is that the witch panic was a kind of proto-capitalist plot to wipe out resistance to the nascent economic system. > > – https://twitter.com/normative/status/1454079910079877126 ^ I don't think this guy's criticism is particularly good. But interesting to see anyway.