# Climate Action Plan for Councils URL : https://takeclimateaction.uk/take-action/our-campaign [[Climate action]] for [[councils]]. "A 50-point plan to tackle the climate and nature emergencies and coronavirus recovery." https://takeclimateaction.uk/sites/default/files/documents/2021-09/Climate_Action_Plan_for_councils_Sep_2021.pdf > The Climate Action Plan for Councils contains 50 actions that councils can take to make their area more climate and nature friendly, and is split into key areas like: > > - Protecting our most vulnerable from the effects of climate change. > - Ensuring new builds are well insulated and have eco-aware fittings. > - Increasing and improving public transportation provisions. > - Enabling and supporting the use of renewable energy. > - Promoting sustainable consumption in order to to become a zero-waste area > - Ensuring everyone has access to green spaces. > > Essentially, the goal of the plan is to ensure that climate and nature restoration goals are front and centre in all decision-making and investments. > > – [Climate Action Plan for councils | Climate Action](https://takeclimateaction.uk/download/climate-action-plan-councils)