# Connecting Zotero to koreader I've been reading more academic papers of late in addition to online essays. And storing them in [[Zotero]] rather than [[Wallabag]] (where I save the online essays). Now I want to read them on my kobo. So trying to hook up Zotero in a similar-ish way to how Wallabag is hooked up. Came across this: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/90686/koreader Which references this: https://github.com/stelzch/zotero.koplugin/ Following the instructions there: - Connected my kobo to laptop and created a `Zotero` folder in its root. - Copied `storage` and `zotero.sqlite` from my local Zotero folder to the folder on the Kobo. - Make a folder on kobo: `mkdir .adds/koreader/plugins/zotero.koplugin` - Download the files from https://github.com/stelzch/zotero.koplugin/ (I did it as a zip file) and copy them to the folder on the kobo. - Eject the kobo, let koreader restart. - Go to `Search > Zotero > Settings` and set the folder to the Zotero folder we copied the storage and sqlite to. - Go to `Search > Zotero > Browse database`. - Browse your PDFs!