# 2020-12-06 - Listened to another [[General Intellect Unit]] episode, this on [[Post Open Source]]. A bit of a downer this one, to be honest - it's about FOSS being dead. [[Free software]] having died a while back, and [[open-source]] being recently departed. There are many valid points. It's based on this [article](https://www.boringcactus.com/2020/08/13/post-open-source.html). Need more time to digest it and fully read the article. - Went for a very nice hike up to the [[The Cragg]] yesterday, via [[Williamson Park]]. ![[/home/shared/commonplace/photos/williamson-park-towards-lake-district.jpg]] ![[/home/shared/commonplace/photos/the-cragg-towards-bowland.jpg]]