# 2021-01-31 Nice little story on a cafe in New Orleans transitioning to [[worker co-op]], working with [[Cooperation New Orleans]]. https://www.nola.com/entertainment_life/eat-drink/article_8ecf49a4-5cec-11eb-bdf9-7f7bdac1a89e.html https://coopnola.org/who-we-are -— Interesting critique of [[worker coops]]. Main argument seems to be that they remove people from union organising and class struggle. https://organizing.work/2021/01/you-cant-win-without-a-fight-why-worker-cooperatives-are-a-bad-strategy/ > cooperatives retreat from the direct struggle between workers and owners to instead build worker-owners. Not sure I get it… thoughts? -— Interview with Omana George of [[Electronics Watch]]. She discusses some of the problems in [[electronics supply chains]], and the general anti-union and anti-organising practices of tech firms. - [Restart Podcast Ep. 60: Helping electronics workers improve conditions](https://therestartproject.org/podcast/electronics-watch/)