# 2021-04-02 - Been looking at [[orger]]. Looks pretty great - a way to [[PESOS]] a ton of personal data into [[org-mode]]. - I think I'll try and pull in all my old tweets to my [[digital garden]] with it. - [[Archiving my tweets in my garden with orger]] - I was thinking I'd like to get my toots on [[social.coop]] pulled in to my garden too. But ideally, [[POSSE]]ing would be better than PESOS there. So again maybe it comes down to sorting out my stream and webmentions etc in the garden. - That said - maybe there's an argument for PESOS over POSSE when it comes to a digital garden? Use the interface of the apps that were specifically designed for the platform rather than try to reverse engineer and rebuild. Just make sure you've got the data. - [[POSSE vs PESOS]] - Trying to upgrade [[Invidious]] on [[YunoHost]]. It is giving the error. I am trying to fix it. [[YunoHost Invidious upgrade gives "Not enough free space"]] - Set my self-hosted [[Searx]] instance as my default search engine in Firefox. - [[Ray Tomlinson]] - Read: [Breaking Tech Open: Why Social Platforms Should Work More Like Email](https://thereboot.com/breaking-tech-open-why-social-platforms-should-work-more-like-email/)