# 2021-06-06 - I love [[koreader]] and feel like it is a critical piece of software. Ebook platform monopolies like Kindle and Kobo have control of information. koreader lets you liberate your hardware from them. I hope I can soon use something like [[Open Book]] and have libre hardware, too. - [[Open Book]]: > As a society, we need an open source device for reading. Books are among the most important documents of our culture, yet the most popular and widespread devices we have for reading — the Kobo, the Nook, the Kindle and even the iPad — are closed devices, operating as small moving parts in a set of giant closed platforms whose owners' interests are not always aligned with readers'. https://github.com/joeycastillo/The-Open-Book - I think [[IndieWeb]] is an example of [[Nested-I]] and [[Ubuntu Rationality]] as per [[Free, Fair and Alive]]. - Not unrelatedly, Jack Jamieson's dissertation on the IndieWeb is called [[Independent Together: Building and Maintaining Values in a Distributed Web Infrastructure]]. - Jammed: [Blamstrain - List](https://store.blamstra.in/track/list) - Listened: [[Kate Raworth on Why Our Times Demand 'Doughnut Economics']] - This is a lovely interview. Raworth is full of energy and very inspiring. I never finished the book yet (a reflection on me, not the book…) but Doughnut Economics sounds very [[Commons]] friendly. - https://david-bollier.simplecast.com/episodes/kate-raworth-why-our-times-demand-doughnut-economics - Listened: [[The Sunset of the Californian Ideology? w/ Richard Barbrook]] - Really excellent interview with Richard Barbrook. He talks about the [[Californian Ideology]] and where it stemmed from. It it was to be updated now, he says it would be the [[Shenzhen Ideology]]. - Also really interesting to hear about his work on games and how they can be used for political purposes and training. Talks about [[Guy Debord]] and his [[A Game of War]]. Makes me think of some of the [[Tesa Collective]] games. - Jammed: [Brothomstates - Brothomstates Vs Bill Yard](https://warprecords.bandcamp.com/track/brothomstates-vs-bill-yard) - Bookmarked: [[The Commons, Short and Sweet]] - Idea: decentralised podcast discovery engine. Built with [[Agora]]. Like [[Huffduffer]] or [[Listen Notes]], but a commons. - Bookmarked: [[Commons P2P wiki requirements]] - Bookmarked: [[Distributed wikis on solid]]