# 2021-10-03 - Time to crank through some bookmarks and [[fleeting notes]]… Enid the cat is joining me for this endeavour. - This [[Decentralised Wiki]] appears to be centralised. - https://wiki.lobby.so - Listened [[MARXISM 101: An interview with Hadas Thier]] - [[Hadas Thier]] - [[A People's Guide to Capitalism]] - [[Green housing]] - [[Therapy in virtual reality]] - [[Carbon labelling]] - [[Reuse]] - [[Northern Forest]] - [[Coal]] - [[Heat pumps]] - [[Insulation]] - Emergent outline: [[Corralling a chorus of voices]] - I think that the IndieWeb wiki would be a great case study for examining the claim that [[Combining multiple personal wikis provisions a better commons than one central wiki]]. - There's multiple different voices in the community, sometimes agreeing, sometimes dissenting, and the wiki is an attempt to capture those views. - IndieWeb wiki is essentially attempting to corral a chorus of voices in to one space. - I occassionally see a criticism of something IndieWeb-related where the critiquer says something like 'I think IndieWeb is bad because they think X' and point at something in the wiki, with the underlying assumption being that everyone in the community thinks that. - The IndieWeb wiki sometimes gives the illusion of a unified opinion where it doesn't always exist. - The IndieWeb wiki seems like a good candidate for the distributed [[chorus of voices]] approach to a knowledge commons. - Using [[Agora]] in a goal-oriented way would have interesting parallels to sites like [[StackOverflow]] or [[Quora]]. Discuss. - In which case, what differentiates Agora? I think partly the 'small tech', federated and data ownership aspects. It is more of a [[web 3.0]] stylee whereas these are centralised web 2 properties. - [[Coronavirus]] - \#+beginquote Britain is heading into winter with the number of Covid cases remaining at a worryingly high level. At the same time, the nation’s vaccination programme appears to have stalled. – [UK might not be over the worst, scientists warn, as Covid case numbers stay h…](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/03/we-might-not-be-over-the-worst-scientists-warn-as-covid-case-numbers-stay-high) \#+endquote