# 2021-10-17 - Reading: [[A People's Guide to Capitalism]]. Enjoying it muchly thus far. Making clear a bunch of concepts I've sort of half-grasped before, but never really fully. Not saying I fully do yet either, but it's helping for sure. - [[Capitalism]] - [[Primitive accumulation]] - [[Slavery]] - [[Commodity]] - [[Use-value]] - [[Exchange-value]] - [[Labour theory of value]] - Robot dogs with guns. What could possibly go wrong. - https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/42717/robot-dogs-can-now-have-6-5mm-assault-rifles-mounted-on-their-backs - [[Philanthropy]] - [The Gates Foundation Avoids a Reckoning on Race and Power | The Nation](https://www.thenation.com/article/society/gates-foundation-colonialism/) - Imagine the end of [[Facebook]] - [Imagine the End of Facebook | LibrarianShipwreck](https://librarianshipwreck.wordpress.com/2021/10/07/imagine-the-end-of-facebook/) - [Can The Public Sector Displace Facebook’s Unprecedented Corporate Power?](https://www.readthemaple.com/can-the-public-sector-displace-facebooks-unprecedented-corporate-power/)