# 2021-10-21 - Heh, [[Truth Social]] is an (uncredited) fork of [[Mastodon]]. - [Mastodon's Founder Says Trump's New Social Network Is Just Mastodon](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dgm5k/truth-social-is-mastodon-trump) - (org-roam-update-org-id-locations) - https://org-roam.discourse.group/t/org-roam-major-redesign/1198/242 - Listened: [[Face off: the government versus GPs]] - The government is playing chicken with GPs. Ultimately to undermine the [[NHS]]. Part of a narrative that it is to blame for any shortcomings. A narrative aided and abetted by papers like the Daily Mail. - Noding [[Discrimination in digital finance]] for [[node club]] (very late)