# 2021-11-06 - [[Murray Bookchin]] was an OG [[solarpunk]]. - I'd very much like the posts I make to my stream via micropub to include links to related pages in my garden. But not sure how best to do it - I need something that also works nicely when POSSEing to Mastodon. - I think it should probably respect the conventions of the place to which it is being published. - This might mean that on my own site, it links to my garden. On Mastodon, perhaps it could simply be rendered as a hashtag. - [[Animism]] > Culture and the human psyche will be thoroughly suffused by a new [[animism]] > > – [[Towards a Liberatory Technology]] - [[A Psalm for the Wild-Built]] - Ooh - [[Becky Chambers]] has a recent novel which is apparently [[solarpunk]]. I very much enjoyed her Wayfarers books, so will give this a read. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Psalm_for_the_Wild-Built - Listened: [[Microdose: Revolution From Cromwell to Castro]] - Seen [[Haitian Revolution]] mentioned in both [[Celebrate People's History: The Poster Book of Resistance and Revolution]] and the podcast above - [[Toussaint Louverture]]