# 2022-02-11 - Doing [[Node Club Tarot]] again. [[Jayu]] did it too! I like their use of 'art' 'method' and 'intended goals' meta data. - Fuck Spotify, join [[Resonate]]. - [[Bill Seitz]] is doing some cool stuff with [[sister sites]] and dynamic [[twin pages]] - - https://twitter.com/BillSeitz/status/1490447807567876096 - http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/2022-02-06-AddingSisterSites - If you combined it with simple inline transclusion, if wouldn't be far off what I kind of want from a [[garden reader]]. - [[tripleC]] journal looks pretty great. - Bookmarked: [[Teaching the Commons through the Game of Musical Chairs]] - [[Fixing my sites URLs]].