# 2022-02-19 - Great [[Flancia Meet]] today. I was tired after little sleep so almost didn't go, but really glad I did. - Some topics that arose: - Using text-based actions in the stoa as a simple metalayer of intergarden communication. - I like this, because thinking about counter-anti-disintermediation, Agora actions could be in theory anti-disintermediation, i.e. a locking together of individual digital gardens, if actions were part of the Agora platform in e.g. a DB. But if they are a protocol that you can add either in to the stoa **or** in to your own garden, then Agora remains an optional viewer. Lock-in does remain at a protocol level, but that seems less bad. [[Protocol cooperativism]]? - But you can also use the stoa if you don't wish to put the actions in your own personal data store. - Ranking was mentioned as one of the actions. - Some really good discussion around moderation, trust, community, federation and defederation. - Reread: [[How's That Open Source Governance Working for You?]] - Reading: [[Admins, mods, and benevolent dictators for life: The implicit feudalism of online communities]]