# 2022-08-28 - Back from a short city break to [[Manchester]]. Was a lot of fun. We packed a lot in. - Read: [[Revolutionary Strategies on a Heated Earth]] - Finished reading it earlier today, spread over the course of a few days. Recollections: - starts with a convincing overview of how catastrophic 'business as usual', green capitalism, etc, will be for the Earth system. - covers the various different aspects of the crisis (sounds like polycrisis as per what Nick Dyer-Witheford in [[Nick Dyer-Witheford on Biocommunism]]) - asserts that only a rupture from capitalism is sufficient to avert disaster, and it is needed soon. - so: starting from a position of [[eco-socialism]] - Zeller then continues on to make own contribution to present debate as to what should [[eco-socialist]] strategies be. - doesn't like Malm's take on Leninism. Says it has a misguided stress on violence, and I think also that it misrepresents war communism. - seems big on the idea of [[dual power]]. (At multiple scales). I'm interested to explore more what is the difference between ideas of Leninist dual power and libertarian socialist dual power. - advocates for [[socialisation]] of energy, transportation, and finance. Socialisation being the first step to large-scale transformation. - not sure what is the strategy for actually socialising things though? Is that what hopes dual power can achieve? - I shoud reread [[The Next Revolution]] to compare and contrast with the recent [[eco-socialism]] stuff. - Doing a couple [[pomodoro for the revolution]] at Agora Meet. - [X] copy highlights from [[Revolutionary Strategies on a Heated Earth]] - [X] as above - New claims: - [[Capitalism is the cause of the climate crisis]] - Not a particularly new or profound one, but a pretty foundational one for [[eco-socialism]] and thus worth documenting. - [[Net zero is part of a global imperialist climate policy]] - Don't know if I agree, but interesting and worth exploring. - [[Cuba is the most sustainably developed country in the world]] - This is actually no longer accurate. Costa Rica is currently top.