# 2024-02-17 - Read: [[Talking to My Daughter About the Economy]] - Finished it. Enjoyed it. Would recommend. - Need to go back and note it up a bit. - Read: [[Theories of International Politics and Zombies]] - "How international relations theory can be applied to a zombie invasion" - Fun. - I remember some of [[Robert Biel]]'s articles saying how [[international relations]] was a field that applied systems theory to politics, so was looking for something that is a bit of an easy primer - this seems like it! - [[Shower thought]]. - I want to make sure that I document at least the top two or three salient claims from every book and article that I read. - Otherwise it seems like wasted effort. - I'll tag book files such that I can run a query that pulls out those that I've read but have no associated claims. - To do so will be a positive act of [[knowledge commoning]].