# 2024-02-26 - [[The Web of Death (ft. Tamara Kneese)]] - Also brings to mind the show [[Upload]]. - And of course [[Black Mirror]]. - [[Work Notes 2024-02-26]] - 'Dear Data Subject' and other great ways to start an email. - [[Matomo]]. - They mention that they are now using a [[data broker]] for "customer and prospect data enrichment". - "We process this personal data on the basis of legitimate interest. Without the information we will not be able to customise our communications with you to best meet your needs". - I find the wording a bit weaselly to be honest. Better would be "We want this information so we can more likely retain and get new customers". Fine - just be honest about it. - You can opt-out. Not opt-in? - Using Python in org, I was getting: [[Importmagic and/or epc not found]].