# 2024-03-14 - Read: [[Reframing and simplifying the idea of how to keep a Zettelkasten]] - Really nice summary from Chris of the minimum that you need to do to keep a 'zettelkasten'. He cuts through a lot of the unnecessary complexity that has appeared around this. - Contemplating whether I should send webmentions from my digital garden. - Maybe, maybe not. - There's plenty of ways to send webmentions from a static site, plenty of people doing it. - So I could, but I wonder if I **should**. - Perhaps webmentions should only be sent when I post a more considered long-form article, or when I post something to my stream. - Not sure. - [[Should I send webmentions from my digital garden?]] - Listened: [[How to talk about avoiding waste, with Keep Britain Tidy]] - Most people think recycling is all you need to do to prevent waste. - Reframe the message and move people's consciousness up the waste hierarchy. - [[Buy Nothing New Month]]. - Really interesting discussion around societal norms and reuse (e.g. what happens when you give second-hand presents at kids' birthday parties…) - Listened: [[Black Box: the hunt for ClothOff – the deepfake porn app]] - Scumbags make app to deep fake nudes of women and girls. - The Guardian tracks them down. - [[Updating to Emacs 28 on Linux Mint]]. - This time, using a PPA rather than building from source like last time ([[Installing Emacs from source]]) - I had to manually, naughtily, uninstall the old Emacs binaries from _usr/local/bin_ that had been built from source in order for the new emacs28 binaries from the PPA to be picked up. - And, of course, not it's a new version of Emacs, spacemacs has to get all the packages from MELPA again… - I updated packages on Mint like a good boy, and now I'm getting complaints from composer when building a project. - [[nette/schema v1.2.3 requires php >=7.1 <8.3 -> your php version (8.3.3) does not satisfy that requirement.]] etc. - Good-o.