# 2024-04-07 - My publish.el file would be a good candidate for a literate config approach. Would make it more useful for other people to make use of then I think. Also would make me tidy it up. - Listened again to [[Nathan Schneider on Building Democratic Governance on the Internet]] - [[Parallel Polis]], Vaclav Havel. - Touches on similar stuff as recent [[Vincent Bevins]] podcasts re: failed revolutions of the 2010s. - Technology helped spread viral messaging for movements, did little to help collective decision making and long-term organisation. - Mentions [[Loomio]], [[Action Network]]. - When I get a moment I'll make a page of gardening tasks for myself. - Just simple things like reviewing nodes that haven't been edited for a long time; reviewing empty nodes to either prune or flesh out; etc. - [[Ecology]]. - interaction between organisms and their environment. - communities, ecosystems, biomes. - producers, consumers, decomposers. - food chains, food webs. - energy flows, trophic levels. - nutrient cycles.