# Weeknotes 2020-46 - put together another [[5tracks]] of bandcamp - [[5tracks - week 46]]. - I'm slowly rambling towards a regular writing practice of some kind. Thinking about a regular [[digital gardening practice]] and going to try and follow along with the [[Collector to Creator]] course. - Reading more [[Capital is Dead]]. Digging it. Felt a call to action on how those with technical knowledge can work with others to help understand (and hopefully overcome) [[Vectoralism]]. [[Praxis for the hacker class]]? - Read [[Informatics of the Oppressed]] article, also digging that. - ^ Bit of a theme there between the two about [[Redistribution of informational wealth]]. Want to explore this more. Also how it may or may not link to [[Independent researcher]]. - Thought briefly about [[Glitch and détournement]]. - Starting playing [[Myst]]. - Read a bit about [[Karrot]] (foodsharing software). Built with [[Vue]]. [[Nick Sellen]] works on it. - In the absence of useful diagrams for now, I think I'll just do random PlantUML art OK then ```plantuml node what node is rectangle { node to node be node done } cloud "?" as q what -> is is --> to to --> be be --> done done --> q q -> what note right of to : praxis note top of is : theory ```