# Animalia - Also known as [[Metazoa]] - A member of the [[Opisthokonta]] - Multicellular - Most basal of Metazoa: [[Sponge]] - Water enters through the [[ostia]] and exits through the [[osculum]] - [[flagellated chamber]] - Separating the ostia and the [[spongocoel]] - Different cell types - Outer layer: [[pinacoderm]] - Controlling the ostia: [[porocytes]] - Controlling the flagella, eating: [[choanocytes]] - Transport nutrition: [[amoebocytes]] - A few taxa of interest with respect to the origin of animals: - [[sponge|Sponges]] - [[cnidaria|Cnidarians]] - [[Ctenophores]] - [[Bilateria]] - Goes through [[cleavage-divisions|Cleavage Divisions]] - Required to be [[multicellular]] and go through [[morphogenesis]] ## Taxonomy - [[Animalia]] - [[Porifera]] (Parazoa) - [[sponge|Sponges]] - [[Eumetazoa]] (2 germ layers, ecto- and endo-, "true tissues") - [[Radiata]] - [[Cnidaria]] - [[Bilateria]] (3 germ layers, meso-) - [[Deuterostomia]] - [[Echinodermata]] - [[Chordata]] - [[Protostomia]] - [[Lophotrochozoa]] - [[Annelida]] - [[Mollusca]] - Flatworms - [[Ecdysozoa]] - [[Arthropoda]] - [[Nematoda]]