# Newick Format - Format to represent trees with distances and branch names # Examples Printed using DendroPY options `show_internal_node_labels = True`, `width=40`, `plot_metric="length"`. ## Single Descendant ``` (B)A; ``` ``` A------------------------------------- B ``` ## Two Descendants ``` (B,C)A; ``` ``` /------------------------------------- B A \------------------------------------- C ``` ## Two Levels Of Descendants ``` ((D,E)B,(F,G)C)A; ``` ``` /------------------ D /------------------B | \------------------ E A | /------------------ F \------------------C \------------------ G ``` ## Distances ``` (A:1,B:2); ``` ``` /------------------ A @ \------------------------------------- B ``` ## Big Example ``` ( ( ( ( Dasyatis_laosensis:0.00864712, Hemitrygon_akajei:0.02501331 ):0.00555551, Dasyatis_sp._TT:0.01190329 ):0.07844344, Maculabatis_gerrardi:0.10443933 ):0.03362855, ( Aetobatus_flagellum:0.06712780, ( Aetobatus_narinari:0.00190402, Aetobatus_ocellatus:0.00159879 ):0.05608476 ):0.06364667, Squatina_squatina:0.24404039 ); ``` ``` /Dasyatis laosensis /@ /-----@\- Hemitrygon akajei | | /-@ \ Dasyatis sp. TT | | | \------- Maculabatis gerrardi | | /----- Aetobatus flagellum @---@ | | /Aetobatus narinari | \----@ | \Aetobatus ocellatus | \------------------ Squatina squatina ```